Job Application Fill out our online form to apply! Fields with * are required Personal Information Last Name * First Name * Middle Name * SSN Email * Street Address * City * ST * Zip * Home Phone Mobile Phone * Are you legally qualified to work in the United States?* YesNo Are you 18 or older? * YesNo Can you perform the essential functions of the job with or without accommodations? * YesNo Have you been convicted of a felony? * YesNo If yes, please explain: What position are you applying for? * —Please choose an option—Duct CleaningHVAC TechnicianInstallation TechnicianManagementOffice / AdministrativePlumbing TechnicianProfessional How did you hear about this position? Expected Hourly Rate Expected Annual Salary Rate Date Available * Prior Work Experience Current or Most Recent Employment Employer* Address* City, ST, ZIP* Telephone* Name of Immediate Supervisor* Dates of Employment* From To Position/Job Title* Pay* Reason for Leaving* May We Contact?* YesNo Prior Employment #1 Employer Address City, ST, ZIP Telephone Name of Immediate Supervisor Dates of Employment From To Position/Job Title Pay Reason for Leaving May We Contact?* YesNo Prior Employment #2 Employer Address City, ST, ZIP Telephone Name of Immediate Supervisor Dates of Employment From To Position/Job Title Pay Reason for Leaving May We Contact?* YesNo Education High School Name/Location Last Year Complete 9101112 Degree Major or Emphasis College/University Name/Location Last Year Complete 1234 Degree Major or Emphasis Trade School Name/Location Last Year Complete Degree Major or Emphasis Other Name/Location Last Year Complete Degree Major or Emphasis List any applicable special skills, training or proficiencies. * Personal References Reference 1 Name * Address * City, ST, ZIP * Telephone * Reference 2 Name Address City, ST, ZIP Telephone Reference 3 Name Address City, ST, ZIP Telephone If asked, are you willing to consent to a background check? YesNo Upload your resume Disclaimer: Applicant understands that this is an Equal Opportunity Employer and committed to excellence through diversity. Legacy Heating and Air, Inc. does not discriminate in hiring based on federally-protected classifications (i.e., race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, disability, veteran status, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or genetic information). Legacy Heating and Air, Inc. will comply with its obligation to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities. In order to ensure this application is acceptable, please print or type with the application being fully completed in order for it to be considered. Legacy Heating and Air, Inc. and the applicant understand that this application is not intended to and does not create a contract or offer of employment and if hired, employment with Legacy Heating and Air, Inc. is on an at-will basis and employment can be terminated at the will of either party. Please complete each section EVEN IF you decide to attach a resume. Your signature on this application certifies you have completed this application yourself and you attest that the information is truthful. This application is active for 30 days. Click and drag to write your signature in the space below:*